Wednesday 10 May 2017

Little Guinea Pig

This little Guinea Pig is totally one piece.

You will need:
  • Crochet hook
  • Yarn needle 
  • Yarn (approx 20g or 60m)
  • Black embroidery thread or 4mm safety eyes.
  • Soft toy filling
Stitches and abbreviations used:
(I am from England but use US crochet terms)
  • MC - Magic circle/ring (sc unless otherwise specified)
  • Ch - Chain 
  • SC - Single crochet 
  • Inc - Increase stitch (2 single crochets into one stitch)
  • Dec - Decrease stitch (single crochet 2 stitches together)
  • DC - Double crochet 
  • ST - Stitch 
  • FLO - Front loop only 
  • BLO - Back loop only 
  • HDC - Half double crochet  
  • SLST - Slip stitch 
  • FO - finish off
  • PC - Popcorn stitch 
Other things to note....
  • This is worked in continuous rounds. It is helpful to use a stitch marker to keep track
  • The number in ( ) at the end of each round indicates the total stitch count for that round
  • *  * indicates repeated series of stitches
  • Use invisible decreases for a neater finished product
  • Stitches in [ ]  are worked into one stitch
  • Stuff with filling as you work. 

Beginning at nose in brown yarn:
1. MC (4)
2. *Inc* (8)
3. 2sc, inc x4, 2sc (12)
4. 4sc, inc x4, 4sc (16)
5. 16sc (16)
6. 8sc, inc x4, 4sc (20)
7. *4sc, inc* (24)
8-9. 24sc (24) - Place eyes between rounds 6 and 7 
10. 11sc, [FLO - 2sc, 1hdc, 1dc], [FLO - 1dc, 1hdc, 2sc], 5sc, [FLO - 2sc, 1hdc, 1dc], [FLO - 1dc, 1hdc, 2sc], 4sc. (24) - The stitches in [ ] which make the ears are counted as one. 
11. 11sc, 1sc into each of the next 2 BLO left over from previous round, 5sc, 1sc into each of the next 2 BLO left over from previous round, 4sc (24)
12. *5sc, inc* (28)
13. 5sc, - change to white -, 1sc, inc, *6sc, inc*x3 (32) - This hides the colour change on the underside
14. 32sc (32) 
15. 2sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 5sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 23sc (32)
16-18. 32sc (32)
19. 16sc, *1sc, dec*x4, 4sc (28)
20-24. 28sc (28)
25. 10sc, - change to brown -, 18sc (28)
26-27. 28sc (28)
28. 20sc, inc, 3sc, inc, 3sc (30)
29. 30sc (30)
30. 2sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 11sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 11sc (34)
31-33. 34sc (34)
34. 10sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 5sc, FLO - PC (using 5dc), 17sc (34)
35. Skipping over the PC stitches in the previous round - *6sc, dec* (28)
36. *5sc, dec* (24)
37. *4sc, dec* (20)
38. *3sc, dec* (16)
39. *2sc, dec* (12)
40+. dec x3, FLO - PC (using 3dc), dec x2, decrease last st of this round and 1st stitch of next round together. 
FO close hole. 

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